5 Tips To Manage Your Food Sensitivities

5 Tips To Manage Your Food Sensitivities

Nothing rings truer than the old age adage by Hippocrates "All disease begins in the gut" when it comes to food sensitivities.

When your digestive system is weakened or compromised, it can lead to increased inflammation and a plethora of other gut-related complications, including food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances.

Unfortunately, these incapacitating symptoms occur even when you are already eating a clean diet because the issue is underlying food sensitivity.

Even the healthiest of foods cause the most surprising flares in the digestive tract. 

A good example is the leaky gut syndrome, where food ingested passes through the stomach lining into the bloodstream. This then causes the immune system to flare up and trigger inflammation all over the body. 

The result is that the immune system reacts to any food that passes through—even healthy food. 

Road To Recovery 

However, here are some tips to employ when dealing with food sensitivities:

Get Tested

Getting tested helps you determine what your sensitivity is, and the primary cause of your sensitivity. Different labs check for various inflammations e.g., and Actomyosin tests investigate any indication of the destruction of the healthy gut lining. 

Leaky gut labs test for antibody levels in the blood, which determines the extent of damage to your stomach lining. 

Microbiome labs tell you if you have a bacterial imbalance or need a boost to your good bacteria.

Conditions like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth that eat up what you ingest and ferment the food in the wrong area, thus causing bloating, gas, and with time leaky gut syndrome can easily be diagnosed. 

After that, you can receive the right treatment.

Get On Elimination Diet

An elimination diet is probably your best bet in determining your food sensitivities. By eliminating suspect foods over a prescribed period, then reintroducing them slowly, one at a time will help determine which foods are causing a reaction. 

Rotate Your Food

As you reintroduce food into your diet, include a wide array of vegetables, fruits, and meat sources. Your body will get different vital nutrients that will help boost your immunity.

Heal Your Gut

80% of your immune system is in the gut, so it only makes sense to start by getting treatment for your stomach to reverse the effects of your sensitivities.

All the above measures are futile if you don't work on healing your gut. Ignore, and you will find yourself in a vicious cycle right where you started. 

So many factors lead to gut irritation from medications to stress, nutrient deficiencies, and all too common inflammatory foods, all of which translates to food sensitivities. 

What took years to consciously or unconsciously damage will also take time to repair. A lot of patience is advised when receiving treatment. 

The average digestive healing in an adult takes anywhere from 6 to 24 months to heal fully.

However, patients can usually experience a marked improvement every month. 

That said, not every person will be able to eliminate every single food sensitivity forever. But it need not be a life sentence!


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